Monday, December 20, 2010


I've heard from a couple friends that the paypal link on my page isn't working. Apparently just before Thanksgiving some card numbers were compromised through my bank, and mine was one of them. Since my paypal account is linked to that check card, they aren't allowing me to accept donations until I have a valid check card number.

As you can probably guess, I have not received my new card, because of my being in Haiti. My wonderful mother is on top of the situation for me, and it working on getting a new check card to my correct address, and then we can address the paypal issue.

Thanks to the friends who have brought it to my attention! I appreciate it.

IF you wanted to send me a donation, at this time you can do it by mailing a check to the 3506 address listed on the side of the page as well! Thanks again for the support, and hopefully I'll have a working checkcard again soon!

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