Wednesday, January 26, 2011


*I have been waiting to post this for a few days, but the internet speed hasn't been fast enough to post...we are SO excited!

We have been working on getting this new car for at least the entire 5 1/2 months I've been here! Yesterday we finally got it...and there was MUCH rejoicing! It really is incredible the sense of accomplish there is to this little task of buying a car. It's been a long road.

Now all we have to do is figure out how we're going to pay the 13,000 loan we had to take to make it happen! We've got a plan...and now, we've got a car that won't break down on us every other day!


  1. Oh this is GREAT news!!! Looks wonderful. So excited for EVERYONE.

    See you soon.

  2. Congratulations on securing such a wonderful asset for your mission. We can't wait to get together after you get back to the states. Love ya!

  3. see you can do anything! Hope it brings great peace to the group over there. and the Gade is a word we have heard over and over around here since one little munchkin has joined us. LOL

  4. Praise God and can I just say (in vanity) that Gertrude looks saaaaa-weeeet next to her ride!!!
