Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fet Mwen...

For many people, turning 30 is a huge milestone. It's seems to be an age in the United States that some people have troubles accepting. I'm not sure...maybe it's the whole "being done with your 20s" thing and no longer have the excuse of youth on your side when you mess up and make mistakes in life. Maybe it's the fact that you feel like adulthood is here, and you're not so far from mid-life. I know a lot of people think, "By the time I'm 30, I will________." You can fill in the blank with anything; be married, have kids, pay off college, have a great car, own a home, make my first million.

As I closed in on my 30th birthday, I didn't have much to show for it on a worldy standpoint. I am officially unemployed, technically homeless, have little money to my name, unmarried, without children, and hoping to pay off my student loans sometime in this decade. Actually, listing all those things in one sentence makes me feel a little lame. BUT, then I look at my life, and I know there is a different story. I reached 30 without fear and without worry. Maybe it's because the year of 29 was a bit tumultuous for me. I saw the death of loved ones, endured stress and some significant emotional hurt, and watched as a place and people that I dearly loved sustained more than a month worth of earthquakes that devastated parts of the country and her people. Ok, it was tough, but the year wasn't without it's good points...I'll give it that. God has brought me to THIS stage of my life through the trials and hardships that I faced last year. And on my 30th birthday I looked back on my life and thought, "Rachel, your life has been anything but lame!"

If you know me, you know I love my Birthday...and you know I love to celebrate ANY birthday. (but especially mine!!!) I knew it would be a bit of an interesting experience trying to create the ridiculous birthday drama around myself here in Haiti. I've lived here a month. I don't have LOADS of close friends yet, and the ones that I do have live far away from me in this city. I don't have loads of money. And, maybe most importantly there are no restaurants to go to and get free things for your birthday. But we do live in a house with a bunch of kids that love a little excitement...and Gertrude is a great cake maker, so we threw a party!

I started my day at my church here in Port Au Prince, worshipping with people I haven't seen in a long time. I got to speak a lot of kreyol as I practiced with familiar faces after the service. Then I came home and decorated while Gertrude finished the cake and some of my favorite ladies spent most of the day in the kitched preparing a feast of some of my favorite Haitian foods and good old American pizza.

Then the party started. My friend Oriol, who drives for the guesthouse brought a musician who played a Pan Flute and they prepared some music for my birthday. Oriol played a song and Gertrude and I sang. The kids drew me a picture and sang a song and did some recitations. And I had many friends show up. We ate, we drank, and we were most definitely merry. And of course we finished the night with a birthday cake and candles. What more could a girl ask for.

So here's the truth...thanks to the generosity of those who give to support my time here, (thank you from the bottom of my heart! This is beyond amazing), I get to spend part of my life here in Haiti, helping, serving, loving orphans and widows, and giving to the poor, and laughing, and loving, and celebrating life with people who seem to know better than anyone how to make it work with what you've been given. Far Beyond Lame...so I say...Bring on the 30s. If the first day is any indication, it's going to be a great year! Or decade even!

When I was at Concordia, our theme one year was "Life is Praise." Some of my friends continually bring up that theme. And so I do it too...Life is Praise, and I couldn't be more thankful that God has blessed me this far in my life, and I know that the one who provided for me yesterday, provides for me today, and will continue to provide for me throughout all of my days!

Pictures from the party to come...and more blogs on Immigration/Emigration, and the first day of school for the kids! So...come on back!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! I am so glad that loved ones from around the world helped you celebrate. Enjoy the decade . . . lots of things happen in the 30's, and most of them are pretty cool!

