Thursday, October 7, 2010

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Today was a slow day. I had some plans, but the cars weren't I revised the plans. The weather has been "cool" and rainy and I had a bit of a headache today. I'm planning a big party for my 30th birthday this Sunday. (By the way, you're all invited if you want to book a plane ticket to PAP, I'll pick you up!) I decided to have the kids help me make paper chains for decorations.

I did all the prep work and told Gertude I would take a nap first since my head hurt. I went to lay down and she went to visit her mom. I awoke to the sound of tapping on my door. I called and answered "yes". I heard nothing so I rolled over. Then I heard my door opening and turned over to see 8 of the kids from the orphanage stading by my bed telling me to get up. The nannies had told them that I needed their help and they were all eagerly awaiting some fun time with me.

Let me tell you, managing 8 children under the age of 10 and trying to teach them how to do a new craft when you don't speak the same language. BUT, it was fun. I put on music. We danced, we glued, we got ready for a party!

My favorite part is when the older kids called my mom on the cell phone. They wanted to talk to her so badly, but all they could say in English was, "Hello, what's your name, how old are you." So cute. I think my mom was laughing. It was good!

Gertrude cooked some of my favorite food stomach is full, my heart is full...I had a full day!


  1. I want to come to the party. Can you please update FB when it starts so that we all can pause around the world and partake in the festivities. . .Love you!

  2. I want to be there, too. Maybe I can bring a present in November???


  3. Oh, I love this! Those kids are my favorite! Miss them all so much. And I love the photo of Wilberson and Keleke; thanks for posting it! And, happy birthday!
